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Knitting update and a Giveaway – 100g yarn from ‘Six Skeins’

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My little pile of things to knit is growing and I feel like I have made lots of progres in the last week, so far I have a hat that I have started (though think I will have to ditch this project as I hadn’t realised that I have to changeit to circular needles halfway through so think I might try something else!) I also managed to complete a little hat in under an hour!! (That’s a real record for me) and I’m pleased with how it turned out:

I’m also making a little purple bow for ‘T’ to wear in her hair, just a quick and easy project to keep me busy 🙂 As this is part of the ‘Yarn Along’ for Small Things, I feel a bit bad that I’m not mentioning a book here, but I have neglected the reading this week, well for myself, little ‘T’ is enjoying her books more and more (I had to put a stop to the reading time after 13 stories in a row the other day!) I have a few to read but I’ll share my progress with them next time. I’m also linking up to ‘Frontier Dreams’ – head over there for some fabulous crafty creations x

On another note, I’m so excited to announce a great givweaway from the lovely Etsy store – ‘Six Skeins’. Steph is the lovely shop owner from the beautiful Cornish Coast, her store sells modern handcrafted accessories, gorgeous fingerless mittens and scarves, original knitting and crochet patterns, beautiful hand-dyed yarns, and fabulous knitting kits as well as a selection of hand-dyed yarns.

Steph has kindly sent me some of this yarn which I will update you all about once I have knitted something from it, I have started a hat and Im hoping that I have enough yarn to complete it – so far it has been so nice to work with and watching the bright contrasting colours is so much more enjoyable than a plain colour: 

Here are just a couple of the many beautiful items available in the Six Skeins store store:

I can honestly say that the photos do not do this justice as the colours are so vibrant and the wool is super-soft too, it’s really, very nice!

For your chance to win yourself 100g of wool of  your choice (excluding lace weight) from Six Skeins either:

  • leave a comment below.
  • share this giveaway on the web (blog post, twitter, facebook etc) and let me know that you have done so.
  • ‘like’ my facebook page (over there at the top on the right) and let me know that you have done so.

This giveaway is open WORLWIDE, the winner will be drawn on  24th Feb and announced that weekend so all entries must be in by then- good luck! x

75 responses »

  1. Simona valle

    Here I am, I would love to win this fab giveaway! I have shared this via facebook AND I have already liked your page!
    Thank you for this opportunity 🙂
    P.s. Love you purple knit work!

  2. love the yarn from six:)

    just done twitter and fb .

  3. love the yarn from six:)

    just done twitter and face book and leaft a reply.

    i now what i could knit with the yarn!

  4. Absolutely beautiful!
    I would love to win some of Sixs gorgeous yarn 😀

  5. I have Liked, commented and reposted on FB 🙂

  6. I’m new to the world of yarn, and I love it! Just starting to learn to knit and crochet. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make stuff such as is featured here, but it’s fun learning!

  7. Ooooh, that orange yarn looks familiar! The hat would go well with my TwinkMitts! x

  8. The yarn looks lovely. Thanks the post and an opportunity to win some!

  9. Thanks for the give away. I’ve done all three 😀

  10. Lovely giveaway, and lovely wool and wool related items 😉

  11. Lovely looking chunky hat. Is the other hat in-the-round on dpn’s? Or straight and then joined? Easy to convert to circulars, you should try it out, or do you just not like circs (lol).

    The Six Skeins yarns look lovely, thank you for the opportunity.

    • Hi Dawn, the other one starts off on normal needles and then changes to in-the-round – I want to have a go at knitting something simple on circulars before getting halfway through a hat and then getting frustrated/giving up/going wrong!

  12. Thanks for your cheerful blog, it always brightens my day. I shared on facebook and I liked your page for a chance at a previous giveaway.

  13. Oooh…sign me up, sign me up. Those colours look fantastic, so if you say the pictures don’t do justice, I can’t even imagine what the actual colours must look like.

  14. Oh, love the 2nd picture. Those three colours in your projects goes so well together!
    I’d love to enter your giveaway 🙂
    Happy knitting!

  15. I agree that it’s really fun to work with multi-colored yarns, especially if you’re using a plain pattern – something with lots of stockinette. And those pinks and oranges are really cheery!

  16. lovely shop! love the far far away colorway!

  17. like you on fb 🙂

  18. I love working with variegated yarns, it makes knitting even MORE interesting! Gorgeous hot tropical colors she sent you too!

  19. Tweeting and following, and coloured yarn is just magic isn’t it?

  20. Gorgeous yarn by sixskeins 🙂

  21. ohh please let me win the yarn!

  22. deborah mcclenahan

    I have a pair of Steph’s fingerless gloves. They are gorgeous!
    Love the wool 🙂
    Have liked, shared and tweeted

  23. Chelsea Wong

    Hi There, Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful yarn! I like your FB page as Chelsea Wong, and I tweeted as chels580:!/Chels580/status/169886358146523137

  24. I love this yarn! Would love to win. I’ve shared this on my facebook too.

  25. Hi
    Thank you, It’s so generous of you
    Please, If you can, count me in, I love to win these kind of yarn
    Thank you

  26. The hat reminds me of a bee skep except a little more yellowish-green.

  27. I’d love to enter 🙂 I’ll tweet this as soon as I’m done posting too x
    Love Six Skeins stuff – do check out her shop folks; it’s fab!

  28. The yarns do look vibrant but if you say they are more so in person how wonderful.
    I would love to be included.

  29. Six Skeins has terrific yarn so I’d be thrilled to win!

  30. thank you for telling us about this shop, the yarn looks so pretty. good luck with your hat, i wish i could show you how simple circulars are to use. you can do it!
    thank you for the giveaway chance too.

  31. That’s a very nice store. The yarn and finished products look good.


  32. tweeted, facebooked, liked you on facebook 🙂

  33. Would love to enter this competition! I have liked and shared link on facebook x

  34. Oooh! who wouldnt like to win yarn from six skeins. Its all lovely and scrummy. Please count me in.

  35. I love the little icicle hair clip.

    Have followed, tweeted and FB’d


  36. I have had some yarn from Six Skeins before, and you are so right, the yarn is much more vibrant in real life, it is so beautiful and literally makes me feel all funny inside when I see it! I love it! I would so love to win some more of it, as am totally skint right now but craving some of her wool!

  37. I’ve shared on FB and Twitter and liked your FB page now too 🙂

  38. Hello – I stumbled upon this giveaway in the Create Crochet Team page on FB. I shared the link and am now following you too!

  39. Twinkle Toes

    Would love to win – that wool looks fab – count me in 🙂

  40. Twinkle Toes

    Have liked don FB x

  41. Saw you on the Etsy Discussion board! Nothing better than winning yarn!

  42. Such a sweet hat – and super gorgeous yarn! 🙂

  43. Does it count if I post it on our blog ? 😉

    (Just kidding…)

  44. Gorgeous yarn Steph. I’ve shared the link on both my personal facebook profile and on the Ty Siriol facebook page. 🙂

  45. Pretty yarn! Would love to win.

  46. The yarn looks gorgeous, thanks for the introduction to a great shop!

  47. KittenWithAWhiplash

    Beautiful yarns, thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Those colors look great! I would love to get my hooks in them 🙂

  49. Wow – beautiful yarn! Thanks for the giveaway!

    (I tweeted about the giveaway – Walknknit)

  50. Philhellene on Rav

    Steph is indeed very creative! i would like to enter the contest please!

  51. Oh, wow! Gorgeous yarn!

  52. Fantastic giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  53. Even if I have too many WIPs I would love to have (and win) more yarn.
    Have a great weekend, knitters and crocheters

  54. Free yarn! I’m so there 😀 And your glove is gorgeous! So vivid.

  55. I liked your FB page 🙂

  56. Those colors are so cheerful! They make it even harder to wait for spring to be here…

  57. Kimberly R.

    those colours are just beautiful!
    well i commented, liked you on fb and tweeted about ur giveaway!/trinicutiegal/status/171301098857037824

  58. Well I am still in the early stages of my knitting Voyage and am just intrigued to discover anothervworld than in the ‘normal’ shops… Such creative and talented individuals on ETSY doin their thing on a truly human scale! I love the idea. Thanks for a chance to win such loveliness!

  59. Came here through Twitter – beautiful colours! And the hand warmers look so nice!

  60. She has some great stuff in her shop!

  61. I tweeted @Distracteddebra

  62. I’m now a Facebook fan!

  63. Beautifu l
    Liked on fb-Anna Ku

  64. Thanks for the chance to win – I tweeted about the giveaway:!/WalkNKnit/status/171810367201226752

  65. Patricia Hall

    Wow! Such beautiful colors! I would love to win this yarn. 🙂

  66. jeanette toone

    love the colours of the yarns how do i go about purchasing

  67. I’d love to win some of this beautiful yarn! Thanks for a chance to win 🙂

  68. Great little hat you made! It makes me think of candy… thanks for the nice giveaway 🙂
    dodington at gmail dot com

  69. Hello – great giveaway & nice knitting! I have retweeted 🙂

  70. Her yarns look awesome ! Look at these colors *faints bit*

    Thanks for the give-away 🙂

  71. Pingback: Today « Madewithloveuk's Blog

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