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Tag Archives: Sports

The Great South Run

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I did it!!

Oh it hurt though, I thought it would be a lot easier than I found it – 2 days before I started to worry about it and started to get very nervous, so much so that I ended up having a migraine on the way to Portsmouth and then by the time I was about to run all I wanted to do was curl up in bed – looks like the adrenalin kicked in too early!!

All the same I managed to get around the 10 mile course in 1 hour 43 minutes, I knew I wasn’t running as fast as I should have been throughout the course but just getting to that finish line was keeping me going! It was good to know that my husband and a few friends were at the 6 mile mark to cheer me on so I kept looking out for them, and I was SO grateful that my Mum looked after ‘T’ for me as it would have been a long and boring day for her (especially as it rained a bit too).

I managed to raise 190 pounds for the MS Society, it was really quite moving to see the amount of money being raised for so many worthwhile charities whilst completing the course, with 24,000 participants there must have been some big financial differences.

Whilst runnign the course I kept thinking ‘never will I do this again, it hurts!’ though now I’m considering a half marathon next time…………………..maybe one day, but not yet!! x

Wellington walks in the mud

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We went for a walk yesterday afternoon; a squelchy, muddy walk. The rain held off and we went in search of horses. I grew up opposite horse fields and with a passion for riding so it’s an afternoon activity that I enjoy as much as ‘T’. We got to the first horse field which was completley empty – it was sweet to watch ‘T’ calling ‘D-orsch’ over and over to an empty field! We walked in our wellies to the next field and there were no horses there either, though ‘T’ enjoyed the walk, stopping to look at feathers, berries and make squelching noises with her boots.

Finally we found a horse and said hello and fed him some grass. I love these afternoons with my girl xx

Pics from my recent runs

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Some photos I captured whilst out running over the past couple of weeks.