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Tag Archives: Neighbours


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We had some snow! A tiny, peppering, nothing much but enough for ‘T’ to look out of the window, clench her fists in excitement and chant ‘snow!!, snow!!’ over and over! I loved how excited she was. Whilst still in our pyjamas we added wooly hats, coatsĀ and wellies and went out in the garden to see it – she was excited to touch it and there were tears when we had to come back in (I think the neighbours think i;m crazy sometimes!)

Later on in the morning I popped to my good friends house in a neighbouring village and there was more snow there, so here are some snowy pictures. I’m really hoping for some deep, thick, fluffy snow – something that ‘T’ can actually play with and touch and experience before we leave for sunnier places.


PS. It’s Sunday again, so that means it’s Handmade Monday again over at 1st Unique Gifts – head over there for a nosey at some creative blogs, plus it’s been going for a whole year!! yippee!!