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Tofu Thai red curry with coconut steamed rice

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We ate Thai food every day for 2 months whilst we travelled around Thailand in 2007 and since our travels we have found a real taste for it! It’s a great healthy meal, we have it when we have little left to cook with as we always have these ingredients to hand:


Tofu – pre-cooked until browned

1 x onion, roughly chopped

1 x red pepper

1 x green pepper

1 x cup rice

several kaffir lime leaves

2 x tbsp red thai curry paste

1 x tin coconut milk

1 x sachet coconut cream

heaped teaspoon butter

pinch coriander

1 x tsp chopped ginger

2 x chopped garlic cloves.

oil for cooking (we use sesame or groundnut oil for this kind of dish, but any would do)



Once the tofu has been browned, add  in the onion and cook until softened, then add in the peppers, paste, garlic, ginger, kaffir lime leaves and coconut milk, simmer gently for 20 minutes (as there is no meat in this dish, it can be cooked like this in the morning and then as soon as it is cool, put in the fridge until dinner time, heat up until almost boiling and then simmer again before serving).


Add the rice, water and butter to a pan, bring to the boil on a high heat. As soon as the rice has started bubbling, mix, cover with a lid wrapped in muslin, add in the coconut cream and turn off the heat. The rice will cook in the steam and heat left over which makes it really fragrant and fluffy, you will need to stir a bit to distribute the coconut cream evenly, leave for at least 20-30 mins before serving for best results.

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